Washington County Shale Oil & Gas Information
Local Associations & Organizations
Southeastern Ohio Port Authority - Energy
Shale Crescent USA
Shale Formations Case Study
An Analysis of the Economic Potential for Shale Formations in Ohio
Washington County Oil & Gas Resource List

- Sales increase of up to 21%
- Projected job growth in the oil & gas industry from 38,380 in 2012 to 143,595 by 2020 and to 266,624 by 2035 according to a recetn study by the global information and research firm IHS.
- ShaleNet reports that the drilling of a single well requires 400 people. Nearly 150 of those occupations, 47% of a well's workforce, consists of jobs that do not require a four-year degree: general labor (20%), heavy equipment operators (17%), and commercial license on and off-road truckers (10%),