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Mid-Ohio Valley Safety Council

The Mid-Ohio Valley Safety Council is a program of the Marietta Area Chamber of Commerce, co-sponsored by The Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation Division of Safety & Hygiene.

Click here for great resources and safety updates from the BWC Safety Blog.

It takes concern and dedication to instill an awareness of worker safety.  The MOV Safety Council strives to provide increased safety awareness through the combined efforts of companies and the community at large.

Safety Council Goals:

  • To provide a forum for businesses and industries interested in occupational safety and health.
  • To examine and resolve potential and existing safety and health problems.
  • To Inform participants of new safety and health techniques, products and services and to provide a thorough knowledge of these services.
  • To encourage safety programs through a Safety Campaign.


Membership to Safety Council is open to representatives of business and industry in the Mid-Ohio Valley interested in developing increased safety awareness. The annual membership fee is $50 per company and your must join by July 31st to qualify for the rebate of that fiscal year.

Luncheons are held with presentations on a wide variety of safety subjects as requested by the membership.  Safety Council meets monthly, usually on the third Wednesday of each month.

For more information about Safety Council please contact the Chamber office: 740-373-5176.

Employers click here for Ohio BWC Employer Forms you may need for your business.

Rebate Requirements and External Training Credit Information:

To access a guide for external training credit requirements, click here.

Use this link to access more information about the program, including your 2024-2025 rebate eligibility requirements.

Classes offered by the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation for your business and employees.

Scholarship Program:

The MOVSC also gives out scholarships annually to students pursuing careers in an HSE (Health, safety and environmental) career.  For 2025, the applications are due on April 15th.  Please click here to access the application.

Board of Directors

Steve Cunningham

Immediate Past President
David Miller
Eramet Marietta, Inc.

Matthew Cooper, Kraton

Curt Copen, Washington County Career Center

Cory Kriechbaum, Magnum Magnetics

Linda O'Brien, O'Brien's Safety Services

Michele Tipton, Malta Dynamics

Steve Wetz, City of Marietta

Sherry Wittekind, Wetz Transportation

Lisa Houston BS,MA, Ohio BWC Board Representative

Board Advisors

Cindy Bennett, Retired

Barbara Dempsey, Marietta Occupational Health Partners

Dave Fleming, Retired

Ken Strahler, Strahler Masonry



If you are a safety council member, you will should be receiving information monthly via email.  If you would like more information or are not receiving the monthly meeting invitation, please email

Our meetings are typically held on the third Wednesday of each month.

Click here to view upcoming meetings.



Back-to-School Safety

Domestic Terrorism

Driving & Work Zone Safety

Fire Inspection Safety Policies

Dangers of Vaping and Smoking


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